

一个又一个欧盟国家在最近对抗新冠疫情的战斗中重新进入封锁状态。随着严冬天 气的到来,整个欧洲大陆都处于红色警报之中。

The much-maligned AstraZeneca vaccine could prove key to Australia dodging yet another Covid wave sweeping the nation if the UK's experience is any guide (pictured, racegoers enjoy the Melbourne Cup after Victoria's lockdown ended)
One EU country after another is going back into lockdown in the latest battle against Covid, with the continent on red alert as the bitter winter weather starts to bite (pictured, Lipizzaner horses go to training in Austria without any spectators as the country re-enters lockdown)


目前,整个欧洲每天有超过4000人因疫情死亡,俄罗斯、德国、罗马尼亚、波兰、 奥地利和荷兰是受影响最严重的国家。

日新增病例数经常达到大流行早期高峰的两 倍,而且确诊数字仍在上升。 但是自7月以来,英国的死亡人数和新增病例数一直保持相对稳定。

专家们认为, 牛津疫苗可能在其中发挥了关键作用。 墨尔本Hudson研究所名誉所长表示,目前还有更多新冠疫苗正在试验中,有可能应 对任何新的变异菌株,如Omicron。




英国和澳洲是大规模推广牛津疫苗的两个主要国家。其他大多数国家依靠美国生产 的辉瑞等mRNA疫苗,而中国和俄罗斯则自己生产疫苗。

More than 4,000 are dying every day across Europe at the moment with Russia, Germany, Romania, Poland, Austria and the Netherlands among the worst hit (pictured, a man walks past a closed tourist information office in Austria during the fresh lockdown)
There has been violence on the streets of Europe over Covid clampdowns as the virus gains ground once more (pictured: protesters set up fire in the street during a demonstration against Belgium government's measures to curb the spread of Covid-19)


现在,研究人员正在探索,牛津疫苗是否可能在英国抵御最新一波疫情中发挥了重 要作用。 《每日邮报》报道称,牛津疫苗被怀疑能比其他疫苗引发更长的T细胞反应——免疫过 程的一个重要部分——这可能使其在抵御疫情的长期斗争中更加有效。 但Williams教授也指出,“但这真的很难说,因为英国有大量的人口(约1000万) 感染了病毒,甚至在接种疫苗之前就感染了。”

Williams教授同时警告说,随着防疫限制逐步放松、国境重开以及家庭在圣诞节期 间聚集,澳洲面临着新增病例激增的风险。

Professor Bryan WIlliams has warned Australia now faces a surge in Covid case numbers as restrictions are relaxed, borders open and families gather over Christmas (pictured, crowds of Sydneysiders enjoy the beach at Bondi after Covid restrictions were lifted)
Professor Williams said a booster program will be absolutely vital to maintain protection among the population before the country heads into winter (pictured, shoppers view Christmas displays at Sydney's David Jones department store)
AstraZeneca is suspected to cause a longer life T-cell response than other vaccines - a vital part of the immunity process - which could make it more effective in a long-term battle against Covid (pictured, early Christmas shoppers in London)
The Pfizer (pictured) and other mRNA jabs package the vaccine in a droplet of fat while AstraZeneca jab delivers its vaccine via the shell of another harmless virus, the adenovirus






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