
今天上午,塔斯马尼亚州州长Peter Gutwein 对媒体宣布,为了应对冠状病毒对塔斯马尼亚的影响塔斯马尼亚州将实施全国最严格的边境管理措施(Nation Leading Border Restrictions to Protect Tasmanians)以保护塔斯马尼亚人民的安全 。


今天,我们将针对冠状病毒COVID-19采取进一步的应对措施,宣布塔斯马尼亚州进入紧急状态,并且我们正在引入澳大利亚最严格的边境限制条例。We have today taken the next step in preparedness, declaring a stateof emergency for Tasmania, and in response to COVID-19, we are introducing thetoughest border restrictions in Australia.


从3月20日(星期五)午夜开始,所有抵达塔斯马尼亚的非必须旅行者都将要求隔离14天。From midnight, Friday 20 March, all non-essential travellers departing for Tasmania will be required to quarantine for 14 days.

这是一个艰难但必要的决定,目的是克服困难将塔斯马尼亚人的健康和福祉放在第一位。This is a tough, but necessary decision to flatten the curve,putting Tasmanians’ health and wellbeing first.

这个隔离期的决定不适用于那些必须的旅行者,例如卫生保健工作者,急救人员,国防人员,航空和船舶人员,专家以及基本货运人员(卡车司机/“塔斯马尼亚精神号”货运),对这些人员也将有严格的准则来管理。The quarantine period will not apply to essential travellers – suchas health care workers, emergency workers, defence personnel, air and shipcrew, specialists, and essential freight personnel (truck drivers/spiritfreight), and there will be stringent guidelines to manage this.

这个旅行限制也不适用于塔斯马尼亚一些岛上的居民,例如国王岛和弗林德斯岛居民飞往塔斯马尼亚本岛。但是,适用于从澳大利亚本岛入境塔斯马尼亚岛的所有人,包括从澳洲本岛返回塔岛的居民。澳大利亚本岛大陆人抵达塔斯马尼亚时将需要进行自我隔离。Travel restrictions do not apply to Tasmanian residents on our islands, such as King and Flinders, flying into mainland Tasmania.  However they will apply to anyone travelling inbound to the island from mainland Australia including residents returning home to the island. Mainland Australians flying into our islands then onto mainland Tasmania will need to self- quarantine when they arrive.

所有乘客在抵达塔斯马尼亚时都会接受检查,必须证明他们符合旅行者的基本标准。All passengers will be screened on arrival and must demonstrate theymeet the essential traveller criteria.

如果检查确认抵达者不符合必须标准,那么他们将必须在他们填写的住所进行隔离。塔斯马尼亚警察和塔斯马尼亚生物安全部门将确保遵守检疫措施,帮助抵达塔州的人获得必要的帮助并后续跟踪,以确保遵守该程序的实施。If they are deemed non-essential, they will be directed to quarantine themselves at their stated place of address.  Tasmania Police and Biosecurity Tasmania willensure compliance with the quarantine measures, helping people to accesssupport and follow up to ensure the process is adhered to.

违反隔离检疫程序者可能会受到最高16800澳元的罚款。Breaching the quarantine process may incur a penalty of up to $16,800.

这个信息是很明确的,对于不遵守强制隔离的人,将受到严厉的处罚。The message is clear, and the penalties are severe for anyone whodoes not comply with the mandatory quarantine.

货运将继续出入塔州,而且TT-Line能够承运额外的货运,塔斯马尼亚人可以放心的是,我们可以获得保障获得基本的生活物资。Freight will continue to come in and out of our state, and withTT-Line having capacity to carry extra freight, Tasmanians can be assured we will have the essential supplies we need.

那些需要州际医疗的人还可以使用皇家飞行医生服务。Those requiring interstate medical treatment will also be able toutilise the Royal Flying Doctor’s Service.

塔斯马尼亚人的安全至关重要,虽然我们的经济受到的影响是巨大的,但我们至少现在有机会减缓COVID-19在塔州的传播。There is nothing more important than Tasmanians’ safety, and whilethe economic impact will be significant, we have a chance now to slow thespread of COVID-19 in our state.

我们将为塔斯马尼亚人提供更多的确定性的消息,帮助我们更快地恢复健康并使我们的国家更加安全。This will provide Tasmanians with more certainty, help us to recovermore quickly and make our state safer.

在紧急状态下,我们将启动由政府控制中心,公共卫生总监,塔斯马尼亚警方密切配合,以协调并确保政府对冠状病毒的应对措施。Under a State of Emergency, we will activate the State Control Centre, which will be headed by the State Controller (Commissioner of Police,Darren Hine) in close liaison with the Director of Public Health, to coordinatewhole-of-government responses to COVID-19.

作为一个岛州,我们有能力实施这些严格的限制措施,并且减缓冠状病毒的传播速度,确保我们有能力保护所有塔斯马尼亚人。As an island we are well placed to implement these toughrestrictions and slowing the spread of coronavirus will ensure we are betterplaced to protect all Tasmanians.

  • 信息来源:塔州政府官网
  • 翻译编辑:董萧


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