华企斥资$1800万收购新州农场 1.3万公顷良田不够还想再买!


房地产记录显示,澳海澳大利亚公司(Aohai Australia)斥资近1800万澳元从德胡德逊家族(The D’Hudson)手中买下了Gunnedah西边Goolhi的五处毗邻物业。

这五处物业构成了著名的牛肉产地McEvers Park,共覆盖了超过5300公顷的牧场和耕地,生产安格斯牛。

华企斥资00万收购新州农场 1.3万公顷良田不够还想再买!

德胡德逊夫妇在McEvers Park饲养了约1200头奶牛和300头小母牛,每年还种植约1000公顷的土地。 这片农场在3月被澳海收购,6月底结算完毕。

除了McEvers Park之外,澳海还在2016年以950万澳元的价格从Dunbier Pastoral Company手中购得Binnaway的Gamble Creek 2035一处7728公顷的土地,距离Goolhi以西约一个小时。


华企斥资00万收购新州农场 1.3万公顷良田不够还想再买!

澳海的三位董事分别是悉尼的黄亚文(音译,Yawen Huang)、余祖宏(音译,Zuhong Yu)和余明谦(音译,Mingqian Yu)。






去年11月,牛肉行业的另一家主要中国企业Union Agriculture以1320多万澳元的价格卖掉了Tooma附近的Mount Falcon养牛场。

去年10月,悉尼大宗商品贸易商United World Enterprises(UWE)的创始人以800多万澳元卖掉了Liverpool平原占地2407公顷的放牧和种植农场Currabubula Station。

Kilburnie Cattle Company在6月以2500澳元的价格将Liverpool平原的另一处珍贵农场Gunnedah Aggregation挂牌出售,澳海也是潜在买家之一。

华企斥资00万收购新州农场 1.3万公顷良田不够还想再买!


上一篇 2020年7月27日 上午8:58
下一篇 2020年7月27日 下午9:17





  • williamyu061
    williamyu061 2021年5月27日 下午2:11

    oi shut the fuck you you nasty bitch, your yee yee ass ain’t worth shit and I hate whoever wrote this. Shut yo goofy ass up and go jump off a fucking cliff with your entire family. Your legs shall shatter from the force and blood shall spurt from your lips and your brains will be split in half on a flying piece of glass that kinda just is in the air. If doxxing other people’s the only thing you are good at might as well go jack off to hentai or something, at least you’re not hurting anyone when doing that shit. You cock goblins circle jerk each other to completion each night and probably cried like sissies when you discovered your useless talent won’t get yu no pussy. I was expecting some real good shit from this article but ended up reveiving you cup cake cuck clowns and a side order of fuck nuggets. I can tell at a glance that at least 50% of you are cocksuckers, and the other 50% are cocksuckers who’ve never been told to believe in themselves. I’m going to shove my boot so far and fast up your assholes it’ll trigger a geological event.
    You all reek of poverty and animal abuse. Every breath you take is a stunning endorsement of abortion.You shitstains are a collective masterpiece of failure. Your sensitive pussies cry so many tears you could float away on a river of douche canoes.
    You glitter-toed, cock-wrangling fairytinkle fagpuffin fuckpuppets are gonna get your collective anal cavities stretched so far apart you’ll think you were getting double-fisted by the Colossal Titan himself! I’ll make you mongoloid rock-chomping thundercunts scream harder than your mothers after her fourth failed coathanger abortion. I’m going to chop off your shriveled balls, put them where your eyes should be, put a sombrero on your head and beat you like a pinata. Hell I’ll make you shit so many bricks you’ll put the Mexicans out of business.

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